Well hello


"Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway."  -John Wayne

Hot damn vulnerability is hard.  I gotta admit, it took me a good month to pull the trigger on this website. I mean, I spent a year learning and making, but when it came down to actually having the website go live, I found any and every possible excuse to not do it. I got a lot of mileage out of the fact that I needed more inventory. It's hard to make beautiful jewelry, but it's harder to be vulnerable. 

I like the jewelry I make. I wear it. I think other people look really good wearing it. But my opinion seems small and insignificant when it comes to actually selling it. And so I remind myself of my mantra. "You are doing this because you love the fire and the sweat of the work. You love the flash of blue turquoise and the soft solid feel of silver. You love the history of the art and the longevity of each piece."

So here it is. I'm saddling up. This ain't my first rodeo. I can do hard things.