Still Waters Run Deep

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Last Fall I went on a trail ride in Sedona, Arizona with my daughter. Our guide was an old cowboy who had spent most of his life in the saddle. I can't remember his name. I wish I could because it was something amusingly cliche' like "Gus", "Buck" or "Duke". Anyway, he was a good ol' boy and a great guide to boot. He knew a lot about the desert and he made small talk telling us about various plants and animals as we ambled along the trail.

About an hour into our ride, the cowboy halted his horse, turned around, and looked at my daughter. "You don't talk much do you?" he asked. Amelie just smiled and shook her head. The cowboy looked off into the distance, tipped his hat and said, "That's alright with me. Still waters run deep."

I've loved that saying ever since. 

The Still Water Necklace is available in the shop. The turquoise is from the Himalayan Mountains in Tibet. The color of the stone reminds me of a deep dark fishing pond.


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